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A day by day walk through of my journey to a happier and healthier me.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 33

8 days...8 days....8 DAYS!!!!

I am feeling a little bit better. My throat is still sore but I feel like in the next day or so I should be back to normal. I am going stir crazy in this cabin, and I am finding out just how crappy daytime television is.

I am really missing be at home right now, because tomorrow my brother-in-law is getting married! I just talked to Drew and he was at the rehearsal dinner. I know that the wedding is going to be beautiful and wish I could be there! But I am so excited to come back home and have a sister-in-law! :)

Today's card is from:

Debra Lincoln!!

Thank you Debra, I loved the note! You are such a sweet person, and I feel very blessed to call you a friend! I am looking forward to seeing you soon! XOXO

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