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A day by day walk through of my journey to a happier and healthier me.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 38

I'm not even going to bore you with the details of my day anymore, because by now I am sure that you've got the gist. :)

Let's move on to the exciting things!

I received a package today from Lorena who was here during my first two weeks! She is so sweet! She sent me a shirt that is pink and lime green that says "Keep Austin Weird." She lives in Austin, TX if you were wondering why the shirt says that. Her note said that she wanted the people hiking behind me to have something to focus on other than the back of my neck, it's a joke between us when we were hiking buddies! Thank you Lorena, I really do love it!

Secondly, I can't believe y'all let me get through half of my last week without opening up my Week Six gift from my BFF! Shame shame!! Ok, let's see what it is!

It's a Gap gift card! WHOO HOO! Thank you guys so much, you know how much I love Gap! I can't wait to see you guys! Just a few more days! Love ya!

This next one is a doozy! I found out my friend Lesley is expecting her first child! I was so excited for her when I got the text a couple of weeks ago! Then a few days ago I received another text saying they are expecting TRIPLETS!!! I am still in shock! I couldn't be happier for her and Matt, they are going to be great parents! Please say a prayer for her to deliver three healthy babies at the end of the year!

I am going to open a card because I have just enough left to make it to the end of my trip!

Today's card is from:


Thank you so much for continuing to send me cards! I am so excited to get home and come back to work! You are such a sweet person, I love getting to work with you everyday! See you very soon! XOXO

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